
GoWests.com – Offical site of the WestSide Story!

Equipping: Montana, Sth East Asia, and a short video. August 29, 2016

Filed under: DTS Equip,Updates,Video — GoWests! @ 9:57 am

Hello partners, friends and family!Wests (2)-001

With September approaching we have just completed one assignment and about to embark on another.
Montana 2016: 18th DTS Equip completed!
DTS Equip is the leadership and staff development school we created many years ago.  We recently completed another DTS Equip here in Montana, USA.  Amazingly, I think this was the 18th DTS Equip run worldwide (and the year is’t over yet!).  We had 22 participants including a couple of people who were refused visas last year.  People came from/working in…  Thailand, Russia, Nth Africa, Spain, UK, N.Z., Canada, and of course the USA.
This Equip was also exciting as we had two new school leaders co-lead the DTS Equip; a dream coming true.
ASEAN+ DTS Equip about to launch
Next month the ASEAN+ DTS Equip kicks off in Cambodia. We are feverishly preparing for that, and as of right now, we have 22 participants preparing to come from Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Russia, USA, NZ, and Canada.  Please keep this school in your prayers.  Many of these people are making long difficult trips and finances are a real challenge.
Bless you ALL for following us, supporting the work, and encouraging us along the way.  As a final encouragement to YOU, watch this short clip:   …So God created the missionary “
This is why we do what we do.  Whether you have served with YWAM or not, anyone who sees themselves as a “sent one”, or works toward sending people, is advancing the Kingdom of God.  We can ALL be missionaries!
Jeremy and Molly