
GoWests.com – Offical site of the WestSide Story!

Kona June 28, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized,Updates — GoWests! @ 10:34 pm

Following our week in Australia, we stopped over in Kona for a week of teaching.  Jeremy taught in a Call2All DTS, and also did staff training with small and large groups of staff.  His schedule was packed.  I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Jeremy so utilized!  He went from group to group, teaching and training.  His wife is very proud of him!  Normally, I don’t travel with Jeremy; but this time Grammy and Papa kept the kiddos and we were able to go together.  woo woo!  Jeremy’s passion is staff and leader training and development, and his gift is greatly desired in Kona.  It was a very affirming time.  I marvel at how God tests and trains us and always always always proves himself so great!

Trip highlights??  Feeling the warmth of the sun!!!  Snorkeling.  Kona coffee on the rock wall.  The fragrant plumeria trees.  Celebrating our 13th anniversary.  More than all of that, spending time with family (Andrew and his family) and with friends.  It was wonderful to catch up with old friends and newer ones too!

Jeremy here.  So Kona… yeah, awesome time. We were still able to go for one week (instead of the original two planned) and as we suspected it was “right” for us to go. Even in the midst of hardship, the Lord still wants to lead us and direct us.  When at times it might feel as if we can’t see the bigger picture, or even the next immediate step, He always can.  And He has a plan for our lives; every single day of it.

In Kona I was involved in teaching the Discipleship Training School. My topic? You guessed it, “The cost of discipleship”. I also spent a lot of time in staff training sessions for the 5 outgoing (outreach) DTS  staff’s, as well as multiple sessions with the staff for the incoming DTS about to start.  On top of that was another key reason we went to Kona. I have been asked to help the Kona DTS program with strategic development. I spent some significant time with the DTS leadership team talking about vision, position and implementation; what a privilege.  Then, back to Montana to prepare for DTS Equip which has just begun…  More about that VERY soon!

…JW out.


Until We Meet Again June 27, 2010

Filed under: Family,Uncategorized,Updates — GoWests! @ 12:20 am

Earlier this month, Jeremy and I spent a week in Australia for Dad West’s Funeral.  What a great hope we have in belonging to God.  This does not make the aching any less or the sadness disappear.  But it does lift our heads as we think about where Dad is now – the spiritual reality that he is truly LIVING for the first time.  Dad’s life was such a testimony to me and to the hundreds of guests at his service.  He was an incredible man, husband and father.  Jeremy and his siblings gave so much honor and thanks for their dad.  Many commented afterward that they wish church could be more like that service and some men shared that they gained insight on what it means to be a father.  Wow.

In a time of grieving, understanding brings comfort.  However, for the things that our minds can’t seem to understand, we reach for his grace and we believe wholeheartedly in the goodness and justice of his character.  Meanwhile, we are thankful for each breath and we cherish the family we have.    Blessings to you all, Molly

As for me (Jeremy), I agree wholeheartedly.  With all of that come the questions, the new reality of dad’s absence, and the  sudden-obnoxious reality of our own mortality. I will be 40 years old this year; whoa.  What will people say about me? What am I doing with my life so that I can fulfill everything I have been designed to do within this short lifespan?  Life is precious, short, and at times so fragile.  So enjoyable too!  It is good to know that we have  a purpose, and the ability to make lasting Kingdom-change in the world.

Thank you to EVERYONE who sent us emails, phone calls, well-wishes and prayers. Thank you also to those of you who sent financial support to help us get to Sydney. We have felt cared for and supported. So has mum, our real concern and focus now, but please keep her in  your prayers. She is doing “ok”, or as good as one can be expected to be. She is an amazing lady.    Thanks again, Jeremy.


My Dad… Peter West. 13 Sept 1938 – 2 June 2010 June 2, 2010

Filed under: Family,Photos,Uncategorized,Updates — GoWests! @ 2:03 pm

Hello everyone.

Last night I received a call from Australia saying that the Dr’s had called mum, and to tell others, to come in for dad.
He died around 10am Montana time this morning.

Following is a short synopsis of the last month or so, from my perspective.
As you know I was able to go down early May and spend a couple of weeks with mum and dad (in hospital). While I was there I was able to spend a lot of time with him and especially with my mum, chauffeuring her every day back and forth from the hospital. One of my brothers, working with YWAM in Kona, also flew down for several days.  While we were there dad was assessed as requiring palliative care, so he was transferred to a palliative care hospital, where he remained to today. The medical prognosis was one of “weeks”.   While we were still praying for healing, we have also been praying for the Lord’s highest in the situation, trusting in the sovereignty of God.

Interesting thought…
I am part of a large family; 5 kids. While we have our own family issues, we are a strong unit, very close, very honest, very fun. We can fight hard, but we always play hard!  All being believers, I have noticed an interesting dynamic. As we are told by Paul, “we have one body but many parts…”, and the different gifts all play different, yet essential roles.
Could it be the same in families? I have noticed in my family that different ones of us seem to be performing different roles, and I don’t think it’s as simple as personality differences. I think it’s orchestrated by God, as a miniature picture of the body of Christ.
Some were fervently believing for healing. Others, more pragmatic and medically objective. We have a mixture of medical and spiritual perspectives; all of us leaning into the character of God. While one encourages mum with hope for healing, another encourages with the eternal hope dad has. Someone is there to go through conferences with Doctors, another to talk about God’s healing power, and another to be open to discussing potential funeral plans, and the “what next?” questions that had often occupied her mind.   …And all of the other stuff in-between.
All in all we revolve around the sovereignty of God. I don’t know how others who aren’t “stapled” to a perfect triune God, could even hope to approach the kind of diversity, yet unity and grace, that we seem to have experienced in this time.
Me?  My prayers have been somewhat simple: for God to be glorified. I know that God can heal. But would He? It seems like dad is leaving the earth too early; still so much more he wanted to do for the Kingdom. But it’s also so encouraging to see everything that has been done through him already. He has already left a legacy for many around the world to follow, leading to the Father. Perhaps the Lord would have him add to that? Perhaps not. While we always wanted dad healthy again, we never feared for him!
While mum was with him all day and into the evening yesterday, she was forced to go home last night because she is actually quite ill herself.  She received a call around 1am to go in again, but didn’t make it there in time, probably by about 15 minutes. I don’t think he was conscious at all, and he hadn’t suffered from any pain. Mum has been there almost every day for the last 6 weeks, and the family there have been regular and committed in their service.
It’s hard.  Yesterday when I heard the impending news, I was a little ‘numb’. Today it’s a bit different.  Especially for mum, I’m sure. Please pray for her.
Thank you for all of the ongoing prayers over the months, and for those prayers I know will follow this inadequate communication, about the loss of one so special in the Kingdom of God, as well as here on earth.
Jeremy and Molly.
p.p.s. Sorry that we have not been better in communication lately. Since coming back from Australia, I wasn’t as motivated to write about this until now.