
GoWests.com – Offical site of the WestSide Story!

Financial Need Summary August 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — GoWests! @ 8:33 pm

Hey there.

We are often asked for specific needs. As mentioned in a previous email, below you will find a brief, yet to-the-point list of needs 🙂

Airfare: Total $7200.  $3500 paid already: $2700 outstanding.

Immunizations: $300 for the kids. After this round they will be pretty much up to date for years to come.

Food: Approximately $800 for the 2 months, for our entire family.

Local travel: Approx $500.

Visa Fees: $200. This doesn’t include “bribes” which can increase it by another $50  J. Just telling it how it is.

We also need prayer. From fulfilling God’s plan with wisdom, to leadership skills, cross-cultural challenges and just plain-old staying healthy! Could you commit to pray for us during this crucial time?


Jeremy and Molly

Eden with Wildflowers


Cambodia – Let’s Make it Happen! August 6, 2010

Filed under: DTS Equip,Photos,Updates — GoWests! @ 9:44 pm

DTS Equip Leaders: Jeremy, Dina (Cambodia), Sharon (St Lucia)

Your Role #1:  Pray

We believe that this is God’s idea, and that is has been for years. But we are not there yet. Please pray for the logistics, communication, transportation, cultural interactions, immigration (and more), that need to occur for us to complete this mission.  E.g., For an idea of some of our struggles, we are preparing for double, simultaneous, translation, from English into Khmer and Vietnamese. I have been communicating every week over Skype and email with people in Australia, Cambodia, Thailand and the USA. Meanwhile, my Cambodia staff have been communicating with Cambodia, Vietnam, and (trying) with Burma. Oh, and add this to the list, our Cambodia leader has been translating multiple ministry documents from English to Khmer, while my Vietnamese staff in Vietnamese.  Please pray! What we hear from the Lord, we water with prayer, to harvest as God’s long term plan.

Your Role #2: Give

Friendly faces - dear Cambodian "sisters"

Yes that’s right, we need money. Not only us, but others as well. Simply put, this is brash; but it’s the truth.

For others: You can sponsor a young leader from any of the developing countries in the region for only US$200 for the 7-week school! That’s right, this is their subsidized cost for the program (Yay Cambodia!). Several of the Vietnamese participants are trying to raise this, as is our Burmese participant.  As for the Cambodian participants it’s even harder for them to raise the money.

Please let me know if you want to give to these needs asap, and I’ll help you to set it up.

For the Wests: As for the West family, our flight tickets alone cost over US $7000 ($3300 is already paid!) Our living expenses there for 2 months about $500. Immunizations for the kids last week…? A surprising $300. We have been able to purchase our tickets, and paid for other expenses (we needed to do this months ago). Now we are trying to fill the money-hole created!

God has always been faithful to provide extra support or jobs on the side that earn us a little money here and there. So many people have been faithful too, so many times. From the random acts of giving, to the consistent ongoing pledges month after month, year after year. This time, we’re just running out of time! I would like to think that God’s money is never wasted on projects like these, so thank you all for your gifts already, or in advance for the ones to come.

Teaching future leaders

Nathan (Equip Staff) & Joel, and Mine-Warning Sign

Study Group



Cambodia Calling (part 2) – The Vision Takes Shape! August 4, 2010

Filed under: DTS Equip,Updates — GoWests! @ 10:25 pm

Why Cambodia?

Moving on from yesterday’s entry, I believe I have heard God speak to me prophetically about Cambodia twice, both times with a strategic intention for application. The first has already been described: evangelism and establishing ongoing discipleship. A few years ago was the second time, this time regarding the training of Christian leaders in the entire region.

Cambodia is surrounded by nations, several of which are resistant to the Gospel and more difficult to establish longer term works. Some are “closed” to workers from more developed countries (E.g. Laos, Vietnam, Burma, China). Thailand is open, however it is expensive and politically difficult for citizens of these countries to enter. Cambodia is not! Plus, Cambodia is much cheaper.  Cambodia gladly capitalizes on “tourists” from developed nations, as well as workers and visitors from closed nations. I truly believe that Cambodia will be a strategic hub for the training of emerging ministry leaders in South East Asia.  In Cambodia alone 80% of the population is under 30 years old. The number of new believers within this age range, not to mention the number of emerging leaders and the need to train leaders for these new leaders, is growing every day.  Likewise, in Vietnam, China and elsewhere the church is booming, but ongoing discipleship is lacking, and especially absent is strategic disicpling-leadership training.

We believe our work over the years in Cambodia, and now especially DTS Equip,  is part of God’s plan to address this opportunity for key leadership training within the region.  In one month we begin our small work to address this huge call into South East Asia and beyond: “DTS Equip Cambodia”.

Cambodia Equip Flyer

Currently we have around 25 participants heading toward Battambang for DTS Equip. (It’s difficult to be precise regarding numbers due to the nature of communication and security issues within the region). We are expecting participants from Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, Sth Africa, and the USA. Our staff are from Cambodia, Vietnam, USA, and Australia (not just me!), all of these having being trained in DTS Equip prior to 2010.

Please take a moment to pray for this venture in light of the grander scheme the Lord has for these people groups. We’re all in this together!

In our next entry we will show you some very practical ways to get involved quickly and effectively. From prayer to finances, together we can see many reached, equipped, and released!



Cambodia Calling (part 1) August 3, 2010

Filed under: DTS Equip,Updates — GoWests! @ 1:04 pm

Over the next few days we want to share with you our upcoming (almost immediate!) plans. These include the expansion of DTS Equip, years of work in discipleship and leadership training at home and in Cambodia now bearing even more fruit, and how we are beginning to see God’s plan emerging for our not-so-small-part (all of us!) in influencing an entire global region with this work.  Keep coming back here over the next few days to see the pieces come together!


South East Asia

As you all know by now, we are heading out to Cambodia again as a family this month.  On August 18 we embark on another 2 month Cambodian adventure, followed by a week of teaching in Taiwan.

This trip to Cambodia won’t be leading a student discipleship team; it will be leading a staff development team to pioneer and establish our leadership school, DTS Equip! We have been looking forward to this event for about 3 years.

4 years ago our first Cambodian leader came through DTS Equip, returning to Battambang to pioneer YWAM’s School of Biblical Studies (SBS) This achievement has been hugely significant for the region, and they are about to begin their 2nd 9-month school. Praise God!

Then, 3 years ago we were able to scholarship another young Cambodian leader from Phnom Penh (Dina) who had been working extensively with Discipleship Training Schools, Youth Leadership schools, and a myriad of discipling works in remote provinces. In that Montana DTS Equip we also had 2 other western staff that work long-term in Battambang.  Currently Dina is working with me on the DTS Equip here in Montana.  On the 20th of August we meet up in Battambang to begin DTS Equip 2010 Cambodia! Dina is co-leading with me, and will then continue on as the leader for DTS Equip for subsequent schools.

This is very exciting for us. We are finally approaching the launch stage of a vision which for me actually began about 10 years ago.  To answer that, and shed light on the significance of this work in Cambodia, I need to go back in time a little…

The Road to Battambang.


10 years ago, while working with DTS in Kona, the Lord clearly spoke to me about the significance of Cambodia as an outreach location, “ripe for evangelism and discipleship, but overlooked”.  While YWAM had an active work there, not many  teams, churches or organizations were going to Cambodia due to the instability and danger. Nevertheless our teams kept going, and began having lasting impact. 4 years later some of our young leaders and staff went and pioneered a new YWAM work in Cambodia, in the city of Battambang. This group of young leaders ( all in their 20’s) have since planted two new ministry locations: one in the city of Siem Reap, and another in Preah Vihear in the central-north (another ministry location is currently being planned in the nation’s south, the site of one of our first Kona DTS outreaches.)  Over the last decade I have been going there teaching, encouraging, leading outreach teams, and now planting a short leadership school.

What really makes this exciting, and begins to reveal God’s bigger-plan for this work, comes next. Check out our blog tomorrow, under “Cambodia Calling (part 2) – The Vision Takes Shape!


Lakeside Lightning August 2, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — GoWests! @ 10:45 pm

Hello there.

One of our fellow Montana YWAM staff, working with media and communications, just posted this on his personal vimeo site.

On Saturday evening we had an amazing lightning storm go through our area (Molly, I and the kids were actually camping through this, and the associated hail!). For a 2 minute look at some footage of Lakeside Lightning, check it out!




DTS Equip Montana-style: Wrapping Up! August 1, 2010

Filed under: DTS Equip,Updates — GoWests! @ 5:12 pm

Well, we did it again! Another DTS Equip class is preparing to graduate. 18 participants from several nations spanning Asia to the Americas, graduate this week from their 6-week staff and leadership development program.

DTS Equip MT 2010

Their studies took them through a foundational look at core identity as Christians, disciples and leaders, to Biblical worldview, conflict resolution, crisis management, as well as discipling people struggling with dysfunctional behaviors and addictions. All the time we constantly reinforce our own role as children of God and disciples of Jesus: the place where all of our leadership begins and ultimately takes us.

Thank you to all of you who have consistently given to us financially, prayed for us, and encouraged us over the last few months. What made this especially appreciated was the personal tragedy of my father’s death in early June, and all of the complications, traveling and “stretching” associated with that.  Thank you. You are indeed “encouraging the saints”.  (Philemon v7, 3John v5-8)

This school, like all of the others, has been a pleasure to lead, and very satisfying to watch the development of these young leaders. From the ages of 19 to 30, I am very proud of this group. Their personal application of material, selfless vision and response, and a willingness to “count the cost” to train others in multiple nations has been inspiring as well as encouraging.  Something very significant to us personally is the connection between this school and the next one less than a month away, in Cambodia!  Check back here tomorrow for that exciting story!  It’s a longer one, but you will be amazed at God’s faithful, strategic leading, and your role in making it happen.

How (not) to open a can with your thumb...

On a side note, Molly has added her own challenges to this busy time: trying to open a can with her thumb.   …mistake (health-wsie, and financially!). 5 stitches later…