
GoWests.com – Offical site of the WestSide Story!

October 2021 – the written version October 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — GoWests! @ 7:05 pm

Hello again.

For those of you who don’t want to wathc a video, here is the gist of the recent video update, in text form! Blessings


Hello dear friends 

Straight away allow me to apologize for the lapse of updates. As many of you can appreciate, the last 6 months have been crazy. However, we also celebrate this fact! That we have been able to run schools, programs, training, and outreaches consistently since September 2020, is a proud achievement. Our schools keep growing, as do our staff and volunteer numbers. 

I (Jeremy) have started traveling and teaching again, with three trips this Fall including one to Europe for a new leadership school run by a dear friend and prior staff, I am finding my schedule full. Molly is still doing her usual exemplary job, assisting the Directors of the Campus here, and being a rock-star mother.

The kids are doing so well, and keeping us busy also. Samuel finished a year of college, and is now in his DTS in Tijuana, Mexico. He is loving it and we can tell he is thriving. Joel is in his final year of high school, and a great guy who loves soccer, and a proud senior. Eden is blossoming at school, in volleyball, and with her many friends. She just turned 14 (we can hardly believe it, but couldn’t be more proud).  

Summer is over, and Fall is upon us. Here in Montana, we will feel the steady tightening grip of enter soon enough! We have attached a few pics below as a quick visual catch-up.

Thanks for following along with us, and doing this journey together! 

With love and gratitude for our many friendships, 

Jeremy and Molly.

(The video version of this post: https://youtu.be/HSthFY8QCrM)


Video hello! October 2021 October 18, 2021

Filed under: Family,Updates — GoWests! @ 10:20 pm

Hello there!

I am sorry this has taken so long to get out, but here is a short video blog and a few pics.

Thank you for following along with us and supporting our journey!

Gettin’ it done together!

Jeremy, Molly and Fam.
